CWE Net Position Forecasting

13 January 2017

A project “Net Position Forecast” was started in 2015, between CORESO, RTE and ELIA, to work on net positions forecast algorithms. One of the objective was to forecast “CWE Net Positions” (extensible to forecast EU countries net positions). These “Net Position Forecast” algorithms will give relevant information for coordination in capacity calculation processes and future inputs for grid model creation. The “net positions forecast” models designed by RTE, CORESO and Elia, were implemented in an IT system called iNProve and developed by RTE. Since November 2016, Coreso has successfully started a dry run for the computation of net position forecasts for CWE countries and, forecasts were used to compute likely market directions (NTC corners) only for experimentation. Results on last two months of parallel run are in line with expectations and Coreso is preparing the operational process in the coming weeks.