A multicultural workplace with people from various European countries working together

To effectively perform our duties, we rely on a competent team of about 140 professionals recognised for their skills, commitment and efficiency.

We promote values and attitudes centered on team spirit, innovation and motivation. Thanks to Coreso’s centralised model which involves TSO staff working at Coreso on a rotational basis, we also foster a culture of international cooperation between TSOs.

Management Team

Coreso Management team is composed of the following members:

  • Chief Executive Officer, Jan Van Roost
  • Chief Operations Officer, Flavio Allella
  • Head of Business Support, Carole Reynens
  • Head of IT, Adam Abramowicz
  • Head of Legal, Frédérique Jos
  • Head of Operations, Fernando Ballesteros
  • Head of People & Culture, Jane Vanopdenbosch
  • Head of Services, Filip Cammu

Operations Team

Power Systems Engineers 24/7/365 and Operations Services Support

Our Operations team performs the regulated tasks 24/7, required by European regulations (Network Codes and Clean Energy Package).

To do so, about forty engineers combine their expertise 24/7 to anticipate the operations both in the short-term and the long-term.

Services delivery

Power Systems Engineers perform the operational activities related to services delivery.

Power Systems Engineers monitor and assess the security of the electrical system on a regional level. They also initiate and coordinate appropriate remedial actions with the relevant TSOs, which remain responsible for operation. Other tasks relate to coordinated security in regional market initiatives (market coupling activities, capacity assessment and capacity calculation).

The most experimented Power Systems Engineers mainly manage close to real time activities (electrical grid follow-up and intraday studies). They also perform Pan-European processes, i.e. Short-Term Adequacy (STA).
Besides, they play the role of coordinator in the coordination room ensuring that our services are delivered on time and with high quality, while supporting their colleagues by guiding and giving them advices.

In addition to shift work, our Power Systems Engineers are involved in the development and test of new services, tools and processes. Constant internal and external interactions as well as knowledge sharing among Operators from the various TSOs create a dynamic international work environment.

Operations Services Support

Power Systems Engineers are supported in their activities by Operations Services Support Engineers (OSS).

The OSS have multiple fields of expertise:

  • The operational services: delivery of the 5 historical coordination services – Common Grid Model (CGM), Coordinated Security Analysis (CSA), Coordinated Capacity Calculation (CCC), Short Term Adequacy (STA) and Outage Planning Coordination (OPC).
  • The operational tools: supervision of processes, grid data visualisation (flows, power exchanges, renewable energy, etc.), dedicated tools to perform our services and to provide reports.
  • Post Event Analysis: analysis of grid situations and issues impacting the stakeholders and market.
  • Training: assessments and update of training units in collaboration with our Learning & Development Officer.

The OSS also act as Operational Duty which is the 1st line support (24h per day / 7 days per week) to ensure business continuity and help the operators in shift in case of critical situation.
In addition, they play an important role of interface between the Operations Team and the other Coreso teams (IT & Services more particularly). They are involved in projects impacting the shift to follow and ensure a smooth implementation of some projects as future services into operations. 

To guarantee a good collaboration with each of our shareholders, several engineers have been appointed as point of contact to manage their specific requests or concerns.

Services Team

Project Engineers

European regulation such as the network and Clean Energy Package require RCCs to develop and perform several coordination services/tasks by 2025.

Coreso’s Services team therefore oversees the definition, design, development and implementation of these regulated tasks. It forges partnerships with internal and external stakeholders, and participates in multiple regional and ENTSO-E working groups to meet these responsibilities, demonstrating its commitment to a holistic and cooperative approach.

The Services team also ensures Coreso’s compliance with regulatory requirements and helps maintain business continuity against the background of a changing technological landscape.

IT Team

IT Information Security, IT Business Application, IT Architect, IT Internal Software Development, IT Infrastructure & Operations, IT Project Management

IT  services are more and more needed to support critical business processes. This is why Coreso keeps on investing in people and material to be able to guarantee the quality of its provided services 24/7. Our IT team develops and builds IT solutions necessary to accomplish our RCC activities, based on the inputs from the Services team and considering operational needs/boundaries. Certain solutions are required by legislation while other are developed to meet technical needs (necessary to accomplish Coreso day-to-day activities).

Therefore, IT activities are ranging from fixing small technical details to conceiving a service and its delivery model, with the aim to sustain the best value for the company. In a nutshell, this team ensures the optimal alignment of technologies to support the business at optimal cost/revenue level.

Legal Team 

Regulatory, Legal & Compliance, and Procurement

Regulation is the starting point for each task at Coreso: European legislation requires and defines the different tasks RCCs (will) have to develop and deliver to TSOs, within a precise regulated framework. Therefore, the creation of a regulatory roadmap and a robust monitoring of our processes and projects is essential to guarantee alignment and compliance with these regulations.

Business Support Team

Finance, PMO function and Program Management for Corporate projects

Our Business Support team provides its expertise in Finance, Project Management Office (PMO) and Program Management, contributing each to the accomplishment of Coreso RCC mission. Their activities are indeed key to support activities and developments of other departments.

Financial transparency and close monitoring of our financial activities are critical to achieve our strategic goals and forecast evolutions while respecting budget and deadlines.

Besides, Coreso is reinforcing its project methodology to ensure Coreso’s projects are managed in the most efficient way possible (i.e., improved monitoring of projects’ roll out and budget, clear milestones and deliverables, priorities and deadlines management) in view of the application of European guidelines but also the expected rapid growth of its activities.

People & Culture Team 

Human Resources, Learning & Development, Communication, and Office Management

Our People & Culture team regroups HR, Learning & Development, Communication, and Office Management specialists. These experts have one shared mission: to enhance the overall employee lifecycle while continually nurturing a positive and supportive work environment. 

Their daily missions consist in fostering collaborators’ growth, supporting the development of skills, promoting Coreso activities both internally and externally as well as ensuring a pleasant work atmosphere.