Coreso participates in several European projects and working groups aiming at developing and implementing Network Codes (SOGL, CACM and E&R) as well as regulated tasks required by the Clean Energy Package (CEP).
Coreso is closely involved in EU projects to find new solutions, working alongside TSOs, market players and other partners. For instance, in order to perform a new process in a specific region, Coreso contributes to define, test and implement the new methods, software solutions and processes in collaboration with the TSOs and potentially the other RCC of the concerned region.
For several projects, Coreso has been appointed as Convener. This role consists in leading the project team, composed by the TSOs and RCC(s) from the region concerned by the project, in order to achieve specific objectives mostly fixed by regulations (draft and submission of a methodology for approval, design, development and implementation of a process in compliance with them). The Convener is also in charge of making the link between the project team and the other region instances, like the National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs), Agency for Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) or market parties.
Coreso actively participates in ENTSO-E working groups to share its expertise and know-how in many areas, such as performing quality assessments, improving grid models by supporting the implementation of the new Common Grid Model Exchange Standards, developing the European Merging Function, and organising the required coordination activities between TSOs. Our Services team also promotes exchanges and fosters collaboration with other RCCs.
To know more about the Network Codes and Clean Energy Package, please consult this ENTSO-E website page.
SOGL: System Operations Guidelines. Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/1485 of 2 August 2017 establishing a guideline on electricity transmission system operation. The System Operation Guidelines specify what transmission system operators should do in managing their grid. The fact that the generation mix in Europe is integrating more and more renewables, that there is more and more interconnections and cross-border competition has been considered in the System Operation Guidelines. It lays the ground for the next power system and for example makes regional coordination a legal obligation for grid operators. Source: ENTSO-E
CACM: Capacity Allocation & Congestion Management. Commission Regulation (EU) 1222/2015 of 24 July 2015 establishing a guideline on capacity allocation and congestion management. The guideline on Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management sets out the methods for calculating how much space can market participants use on cross border lines without endangering system security. It also harmonises how cross border markets operate in Europe to increase competitiveness but renewables’ integration. CACM is the cornerstone of a European single market for electricity. Source: ENTSO-E
E&R: Emerging & Restoration. Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/2196 of 24 November 2017 establishing a network code on electricity emergency and restoration. The Emergency & Restoration Code fixes the processes that the transmission system operators must follow when they face an incident on their grid. The highest standards and practice in dealing with emergency situations will thus apply in all Europe. Source: ENTSO-E