50Hertz is a German Transmission System Operator (TSO) and ensures the operation, maintenance, planning and demand-based development of its transmission grid. It is responsible for the proper management of the entire electricity system in the German federal states of Berlin, Brandenburg, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia. www.50hertz.com
Since 2006, EirGrid has operated and developed the national high voltage electricity grid in Ireland. EirGrid is a state-owned company. EirGrid is independent from ESB. EirGrid operates the flow of power on the grid and plan for its future, while ESB networks is responsible for carrying out maintenance, repairs and construction on the grid. The grid moves wholesale power around the country. EirGrid brings energy from generation stations to heavy industry and high-tech users. This company also supplies the distribution network operated by ESB Networks that powers every electricity customer in the country. www.eirgridgroup.com
Elia is the Belgian TSO and is responsible for the transmission of electricity. Elia owns all of Belgium’s 150-380-kV grid infrastructure and almost 94% of its 30-70-kV grid infrastructure. www.elia.be
National Energy System Operator (NESO) is the electricity system operator for Great Britain. NESO is part of National Grid PLC, but is a legally separate business within the Group. This company provides transparency in decision-making and gives confidence that everything they do will promote competition and is ultimately for the benefit of consumers. https://www.neso.energy.com
Red Eléctrica (RE) is the Spanish TSO and was the first company in the world exclusively involved in electricity system operation and transport. Its objective is to guarantee the safe and continuous supply of electricity throughout Spain, and to develop a reliable transport network to support social progress. www.ree.es
REN is the Portuguese TSO responsible for operating, maintaining and developing the transmission in very high voltage electricity and overall technical management of the Portuguese National Electricity System. REN is also responsible for the transport of high-pressure natural gas and overall technical management of the Portuguese National Natural Gas System, guaranteeing the reception, storage and regasification of LNG and underground storage of natural gas. www.ren.pt
RTE is the French TSO responsible for operating, maintaining and developing the French electricity transmission network. www.rte-france.com
SONI is the electricity System Operator for Northern Ireland. From its control centre in Belfast, it ensures that power flows where and when needed. SONI brings power from those who generate energy, and supply the distribution network that brings power to individual homes, farms and businesses. Since 2014, SONI is responsible for planning for the future of the grid, while Northern Ireland Electricity Networks is responsible for maintenance, repairs and construction of the grid. www.soni.ltd.uk
The Terna Group was the first independent operator in Europe and is the seventh largest in the world in terms of number of kilometers of operated lines. This Italian TSO is also the primary owner of Italy’s National High Voltage Electricity Transmission Grid, with over 62,000 km of HV lines throughout Italy. Terna is responsible for nationwide energy transmission and dispatching and so for the safe management of energy flows across Italy, guaranteeing the balance between electricity supply and demand 24/7. www.terna.it
Baltic RCC is a grid security cooperation initiative set up by three Baltic TSO’s. www.baltic-rcc.eu
The Nordic Regional Coordination Centre (RCC) is the joint office for the four electricity Transmission System Operators (TSOs) in the Nordic region. The RCC supports the national TSOs in maintaining the operational security of the power systems across Finland, Norway, Sweden and Denmark. nordic-rcc.net
Security Coordination Centre SCC, Ltd Belgrade (SCC) is the first Regional Security Coordination Initiative (RSCI) in the Southeast Europe (SEE), established as a company. SCC’s objective is to develop necessary services defined by ENTSO-E’s Policy Paper “Future TSO Coordination for Europe” and by Multilateral Agreement on Participation in Regional Security Coordination Initiatives (MLA) in order to fulfill operational planning standards which will be defined by the European NC/GL. www.scc-rsci.com
SEleNe CC is one of the European Regional Coordination Centres (RCCs) and it was established on 22 May 2020 by the TSOs of Bulgaria (ESO-EAD), Greece (IPTO), Italy (Terna SpA) and Romania (Transelectrica). SEleNe CC is located in Thessaloniki, Greece and it covers two Capacity Calculation Regions, i.e. the GR-IT CCC and the SEE (GR-BG-RO). www.selene-cc.eu
TSCNET Services GmbH is TSC’s service company. It develops new cooperation tools for control centres and provides integrated services for them – 24 hours a day, seven days a week. www.tscnet.eu
The European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) was established in March 2011 by the Third Energy Package legislation as an independent body to foster the integration and completion of the European Internal Energy Market for electricity and natural gas. https://www.acer.europa.eu
The All NEMO Committee facilitates the cooperation among Nominated Electricity Market Operators (NEMOs) for all common European tasks necessary for the efficient and secure design, implementation and operation of single day-ahead and intraday coupling. The All NEMO Committee is formed by the appointed representatives of each NEMO. http://www.nemo-committee.eu
ENTSO-E is the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity, founded in December 2008. ENTSO-E coordinates the cross-border system operations, system development and electricity market activities of 42 TSOs from 34 countries. www.entsoe.eu
The JAO (Joint Allocation Office) is a service company that hosts Europe’s single leading trading platform for cross-border transmission capacity. On behalf of TSOs, JAO auctions the available long and short-term transmission capacity rights on all internal EU borders. JAO also organises shadow auctions, which act as backup for Single Day-Ahead Coupling. Since 2018, JAO is the Single Allocation Platform for all European Transmission System Operators (TSOs) that operate in accordance to EU legislation. www.jao.eu