Create a pan-European overview of the interconnected European grid by collecting, checking the quality, and merging the Individual Grid Models provided by TSOs.
Perform coordinated security analysis to assess the operational security of the transmission system and agree on the remedial actions needed to maintain it.
Calculate the available cross-zonal transmission capacities that can be allocated to the electricity market. Provide proposals to TSOs to optimise available capacities.
Perform adequacy assessments to detect situations where a lack of electricity adequacy is expected. Propose and coordinate solutions for TSOs to ensure generation meets consumption.
Identify tie-lines inconsistencies and outage planning incompatibilities between grid assets, with cross-border impact. Propose and coordinate solutions for TSOs to solve them.
Defence and Restoration Plans
Review of TSOs’ defence plans and restoration plans (to be implemented in case of an emergency restoration state) to identify potential inconsistencies. Propose mitigation actions.
Training and certification
Train and certify staff working for RCCs. Put in place an internal structure to train and certify operators while allowing traceability and transparency.
Regional Restoration
Support the coordination and optimisation of regional restoration as requested by TSOs. Task definition still in discussion at European level while RCC involvement needs to be determined.
Post-Operation Analysis
Carry out post-operation and postdisturbances analysis and reporting. Investigate and prepare reports on incident strongly affecting the European transmission network, to support the European expert panel for further analysis.
Sizing of Reserve
Regional sizing of reserve capacity.
Procurement of Balancing Capacity
Facilitate the regional procurement of balancing capacity.
Inter-TSOs Settlement
Support TSOs, at their request, in the optimisation of inter-transmission system operators’ settlement.
Crisis Scenario
Support ENTSO-E in the identification of regional electricity crisis scenarios.
Maximum Entry Capacity
Calculate the value for the maximum entry capacity available for the participation of foreign capacity in capacity mechanisms for the purposes of issuing a recommendation.
Supporting Ten-Year Network Development Plan
Carry out tasks related to supporting TSOs in the identification of needs for new transmission capacity, for upgrade of existing transmission capacity or their alternatives.
As Regional Coordination Centre (RCC), the services or tasks Coreso provides to nationally regulated TSOs are driven by European regulations.
Coreso is currently implementing and executing the following six historical coordination tasks foreseen by the European network codes in the Third Energy Package.
Following Coreso’s transition from Regional Security Coordinator (RSC) to Regional Coordination Centre (RCC) in 2022, additional tasks have been added to our task portfolio:
The Clean Energy Package requires us to develop and deliver these new services to foster cooperation of Transmission System Operators (TSOs) in Europe. For these new RCC tasks, ENTSO-E is mandated to develop a proposal for each of these, and to submit them to the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER). The timeframe for the implementation of the new tasks is set out in each of the approved proposals.