REN becomes a shareholder in Coreso

20 November 2015


REN, the TSO running Portugal’s HV transmission system, is joining the ranks of Coreso’s current shareholders, its fellow TSOs Elia (Belgium), RTE (France), National Grid (United Kingdom), Terna (Italy) and 50Hertz (Germany), by becoming a new shareholder.

Faced with a growing need for coordination on a European regional basis, more and more TSOs are joining Regional Security Coordination Initiatives (RSCIs) like Coreso. The European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) and the European Commission are both structurally supporting this development.

Coreso is warmly welcoming the entrance of REN and is looking out to the new cooperation.

Coreso CEO Patrick De Leener said: “We are strongly backing this trend because teaming up enables us to develop a shared methodology and common vision for the benefit of all to ensure the security of Europe’s electricity supply”.

REN CEO Rodrigo Costa said: We are pleased to announce our adherence to Coreso, an organization with several years of experience and gathering TSOs representing approximately 40% of the European market. This is a very important step towards the integration of the electric markets and systems in Europe, with strong strategic and operational advantages.”