Regional Security Coordinators evolve into Regional Coordination Centres

01 July 2022

On 1 July 2022, the Regional Security Coordinators (RSCs) have evolved into Regional Coordination Centres (RCCs). The Clean Energy Package foresees an enhanced institutional framework via the establishment of the RCC to strengthen the regional coordination of TSOs in Europe.

The RCCs shall complement the role of TSOs by performing the tasks of regional relevance assigned to them. The TSOs remain responsible for managing electricity flows and ensuring a secure, reliable and efficient electricity system. The transition from RSC to RCC was launched in April 2020. For Central System Operations Region (SOR) and SWE SOR, the preparation for such transition required the involvement of 22 TSOs, 16 National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) and the management of Coreso and TSCNET in addition to technical and legal experts.

As an RCC, Coreso is now a regulated entity that will progressively have to meet the additional requirements set out in the European Regulation on the Internal Electricity Market (Regulation 2019/943). One of these requirements is to report on the performance of RCC activities. Additionally, Coreso will have to address the question related to the “cooperative process” provisions which can be summarised in a very general way as the description of the roles, responsibilities and interactions of RCCs and TSOs regarding regulated tasks.

The keystone of being RCC is the implementation and execution of new tasks (services) in addition to the 5 historical tasks.

  • These historical tasks (such as Common Grid Model (CGM), Coordinated Security Analysis (CSA), Coordinated Capacity Calculation (CCC), Short-Term Adequacy Pan-European (STA) and Outage Planning Coordination Pan-European (OPC)) and the new RCC tasks are all listed in the EU regulation 2019/943.
  • The requirements for the ongoing implementation of the 5 historical tasks and the implementation of the new tasks are fully included in the new regulation.
  • Furthermore, it should be noted that the implementation of the 5 historical tasks is already underway, in line with the different methodologies that existed prior to the new regulation and, for some tasks, with a timetable that will extend beyond 1 July 2022.

Regarding the new tasks, ENTSO-E is mandated to develop a proposal for each of these, and to submit them to the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER). Some proposals will be submitted to ACER after 1 July 2022. The timeframe for the implementation of the new tasks will be set out in each of the approved proposals.

In this context, Coreso aims to be at the forefront of building up the adequate operational processes, to implement and deliver the regulated coordination services while coping with the game-changing trends. Coreso is also looking forward to collaborating with its colleague RCCs to further enhance regional cooperation in Europe as an important step for a gradual transition towards a carbon-neutral European electrical system.