Workshop and visit from the ENTSO-E Sizing and Procurement Project Team

17 February 2023

On 14 February 2023, ENTSO-E and Coreso co-hosted a workshop with all European Transmission System Operators (TSOs) and Regional Coordination Centres (RCCs) to discuss the draft of methodology proposals for the new RCC tasks “Sizing” and “Procurement”.

As foreseen by the Electricity Regulation (EU) 2019/943, also named Clean Energy Package (CEP), each RCC shall carry out the tasks “Regional sizing of reserve capacity” (Sizing) and “Facilitating the regional procurement of balancing capacity” (Procurement), for the System Operation Region (SOR) where it is established. ENTSO-E shall submit the relevant proposals/methodologies for approval to ACER by March 2023.

The Convenor of the ENTSO-E “Sizing and Procurement” Project Team (David Steber), with the support of the Convenor of the “Harmonised Cross-Zonal Capacity Allocation” Team (Jerom de Hann), initiated the workshop that allowed to clarify open points and to progress on the description of the RCC processes.

The hybrid meeting being held at Coreso premises, the participants physically present took the occasion to visit our Coordination Room, and discover how Coreso is organised and delivers its services.