The Net Position Forecast (NPF) process for CWE area (i.e. Net Position Forecast and computation of likely NTC Corners ) is technically ready using among other things the iNProve tool developed by RTE . iNProve tool will compute the “net positions forecast” of CWE countries based on models designed by RTE, CORESO and ELIA. In […]
On 01 March 2017 has been started the consultation period of the Central West Europe (France, Belgium, Austria, Germany and Netherlands) Flow-Based Intra-Day Capacity Calculation Approval Package (consisting of two documents describing the methodology and the concept), right after its presentation through dedicated workshops with NRAs and Market Parties. This is an important milestone in this project, […]
Coreso has successfully supported the ENTSO-E CGMES inter-operability testings of the participating TSOs (28 out of 34) in exchanging Day-Ahead models within the future exchange format CGMES. Those testings have started beginning of February and were finalized this week through a common workshop with the other participating RSCs (TSCnet and SCC), in order to compare […]
A project “Net Position Forecast” was started in 2015, between CORESO, RTE and ELIA, to work on net positions forecast algorithms. One of the objective was to forecast “CWE Net Positions” (extensible to forecast EU countries net positions). These “Net Position Forecast” algorithms will give relevant information for coordination in capacity calculation processes and future […]
Jean-François Gahungu is Coreso’s new CEO. Patrick De Leener stepped down as CEO on October 28. He handed over to Frenchman Jean-François Gahungu, whose career as an engineer with the French high-voltage transmission system operator (TSO) RTE has given him considerable expertise in the energy world. Patrick De Leener is returning to the Belgian TSO […]