The IEA organized a consultation round in Brussels in the context of revising their “2008 strategic recommendations” to the European Commission. On Jan 22th, they visited Coreso. We welcomed the fact to be included in this process and to have the opportunity to share our vision: towards a new regional coordination layer for Europe to […]
Coreso, the Regional Coordination Service Centre set by 5 major TSOs in Europe (50hertz, Elia, National Grid, RTE and Terna), takes a new step for a better European security of electricity supply, by completing its operational coordination services with a service of support to TSOs in case of potential large disturbance. On 5th December, Coreso […]
The electricity Transmission System operators (TSOs) of Italy (Terna) and North and East of Germany (50Hertz Transmission) have today become shareholders in Coreso, alongside their fellow TSOs from France (RTE), Belgium (Elia) and Great Britain (National Grid). This move extends significantly the area monitored by Coreso’s Brussels-based technical coordination centre that now covers 215 million customers, some 43% of the European Union’s population.
The European Union, in its support for the integration of renewable energies in the European high-voltage grid, especially that of wind power origin, has launched the Twenties Project. The aim of this pioneering initiative is to significantly develop the testing and implementing of new technologies in order to increase a safe wind power generation within […]
After more than one year of operations, Coreso has proved a high reliability and expertise. Its added value to prevent major incidents has been confirmed. Coreso significantly increased operational coordination between TSOs in the Central Western European (CWE) region in answer to new developments. Power flows become more and more variable due to the development […]
Coreso, a successful industrial cooperation for a better european security of electricity supply This Press Kit was published after one year of Coreso’s operation on 07/05/2010. The document is based on 3 main axis: CORESO, a regional technical coordination centre operational for more than one year CORESO has shown its added value for the European […]