Starting on Thursday, 19 June, a regional renewable energy forecast up to two days ahead (for CWE, CWE and CSE + SWE) was added to the Coreso day-ahead report sent to our stakeholders. This added information presents a broader overview of the expected situation regarding renewable energy in a large part of continental Europe, providing […]
On Tuesday and Wednesday, 17-18 June, RTE, Elia, Terna, National Grid, 50Hertz and Coreso attended the Coreso Operational Workshop at RTE’s training centre in Lyon, France. Over the two days, representatives of each TSO and Coreso shared their knowledge about training procedures for operators, enabling them to exchange and share best practices. On the second […]
The German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF), which aims to strengthen transatlantic cooperation, put together a study tour of Europe for almost 30 high-level guests to examine the impact of renewable energy, new technology, increased network connectivity and interconnected power markets on the European electrical grid and utilities’ business models. On Monday, 16 […]
Click here to read the Newsletter n°2 of Coreso
Following the unplanned outage of 2 nuclear units in Belgium for an undefined time (Doel 3 and Tihange 2; 2 x 1000 MW), and due to the potential impact on security of supply during a high loaded winter period, the CWE TSOs have asked Coreso and SSC to perform a winter analysis. The aim is […]
On May 8th, Coreso participated to a study day on the way forward in the energy sector, organized by the SRBE/KBVE (Royal Belgian association of Electrotechnicians), by presenting its vision on the organization of international operational coordination between Transmission System Operators. In presence of representatives of the EC and various stakeholders, Coreso participated also to […]